Hi everyone,

Since this has come to light, I have spoken to numerous people and have placed several calls to the Yankee's bullpen catcher via the clubhouse and have not had a single call returned regarding the possible theft.
This leads me to believe any of several things

1) There was no theft and the story is a hoax. There has been no police report filed in the matter and the store has not been contacted by the police or the Yankee's bullpen catcher who apparently is well versed and has extensive knowledge in this story.

2) Is it possible that the Yank's bullpen catcher obtained the gloves through a means not on the "up and up" and this is why he might not be interested in the outcome of any investigation. Let us not forget that a Yankee player lifted one of Jeter's gloves from this very clubhouse, and while I am not insinuating that the gloves might have been stolen by Mr. Borzello for profit purposes. Maybe they were stolen from his car legitimately but because he might not be able to explain why or how he had gloves of A-Rod's during the off season when he obviously wasn't breaking them in for him. These gloves were well broken in and well worn with the exception of the black model. This also brings me to wonder, what the hell was this guy doing with 2 of A-Rods gloves in his car if he was catching pitchers at USC, he sure as hell wasn't going to warm up pitchers with infielders gloves. All specualtion of course.

3) I have spoken to another person close to the organization and close to the clubhouse who has looked at the photos and assures me that these are consistent with Alex's game gloves with regards to use and wear and the substance of "stikum" that was on the inside of the palm of the glove and over the finger slot would not have been put there by anyone who "might have been breaking in the gloves" and only would have been put on the glove by the player.

So, all in all, I stand by the sale of the gloves as I believe that they are authentic as well as a good many others do also, with everything however, there are going to be naysayers who will disagree and stand their ground, this explains why this is such a difficult and relentless hobby/business.
