Sosa Xbat

November 17 2005 at 3:04 PM Ryan (Login mlrtme17)

I recently struck gold at my kids high school auction on a few bats. I picked up a Sosa Xbat for dirt cheap. It's a black xbat with the flag on the handle and Sammys tape job. This bat is from when he was with the Cubs, but does anyone know for sure if Sammy used Xbats that had the flag on them. I know he used black xbats, but I am not sure if he used the ones with the flag on them. Thanks for the help!



(Login stlbats)
sosa bat

November 17 2005, 9:40 PM
hello. how much did you pay for it? what other bats did you get?


(Login mlrtme17)
Re: sosa bat

November 17 2005, 10:02 PM
I payed $75 for it, and I was getting crap from people for spending that much for a "piece of wood" as they said. I could of gotten it for less but the money was going to a good cause. I also got Pat Burrell, Jim Edmonds, and Reggie Sanders. I know who donated these bats, he's a big collector himself and he couldn't believe how cheap they went. I am pretty sure I was the only collector there that night.
