i've read bushing's post. on one hand, i'm really surprised how he completely missed the entire issue. on the other hand, i'm not surprised considering he's got a solid history of missing the real issues.

anyway, in a nutshell: "the foul here is that it was not disclosed and had it been disclose, it would not have hurt the value all that much and everyone would have been happy." dave then goes on to discuss the mixups that can occur within a large organization.

the foul here is not that a "photo mix up" occurred. in an incredible display of cluelessness, dave seemed to completely fail to mention that the helmet was owned by doug/mastro and yet their website states they aren't dealers and don't consign their own items. big deal, a photo mixup occurred. i couldn't care less if some schlub put the wrong photo up. the fact that the president of an auction house is intentionally contradicting his own corporate policies is the foul here.

"Everybody, and I do mean everybody, makes mistakes."

let's clear one thing up here once and for all. a mistake implies that the error is unintentional. when the president of an auction house that clearly states they don't consign their own items goes ahead and consigns his own item, this is not a mistake. when you're fully aware of what you're doing and you're fully aware of right and wrong, it's not a mistake. it's like saying wayne bray just made some mistakes.

"In conclusion, it is my opinion that Doug's explaination is feasible."

doug never explained how he could consign his own item when his own policies state that this is not permissible. doug also never explained why, if he knew the facemask was bad a year ago, this didn't make it into lou's loa that was issued 1-2 months ago.

"I just don't buy the theory that they deliberately tried to get this one over"

was this ever a theory? again, typing this as simply and succinctly as i possibly can:

issue 1 - president of mastro contradicts his own "conflict of interest" policy

issue 2 - at least a year go, president of mastro knows that the facemask is incorrect. lampson writes an loa on it max. 3 months ago. loa fails to mention any facemask issue. why did allen not inform lampson of the facemask issue/why didn't it make it into the loa? OLD HELMET or NEW HELMET, BOTH HAD A FACEMASK ISSUE.

anyway, i suppose i shouldn't be surprised that dave completely missed the issues and thought it was all about a photo mix up. in my experience, he's adept at failing to understand conflicts of interest. with each statement he makes, he reinforces my feelings that he's the weakest link at mears. after seeing his reply on this issue, i've got a new sense of appreciation for what it must be like for specht, caravello or others to desperately try to get him to understand the pertinent issues and concepts. it's like stumbling upon a murder scene with a smoking gun lying next to a body on the ground. completely missing the gun and body, he asserts that no murder could've taken place because the weather is too wonderful to put anyone in a bad mood.

the conflict of interest dave, the conflict of interest. did you completely just miss that elephant in the living room? not the first time is it?
