
I've tried to avoid commenting in this discussion as I prefer not entering into a debate about a jersey without examining it in person and when it is not any of my business. However, at this point, I feel obligated to comment in an attempt to be helpful on this particular jersey and to clarify a couple of issues brought up in this thread.

Rudy beat me to the punch regarding The Sporting News cover photo not appearing to match Mr. Gibson's Jim Kelly jersey with regard to the font style of the #1 and the difference in the neckline. I agree 100% with Rudy's assessment. Also, I can't tell from the magazine cover photo, but are those "handwarmer" pockets or just a shadow? (Can someone who has the actual magazine please comment.)

One clarification with regards to Rudy's comments about the Jim Haslett card. It is a 1986 card, so the photo is from 1985 or earlier, not 1986. Also keep in mind that Haslett's last season in Buffalo was 1985.

I agree in general with Marcus, but with regards to the 1987 season, please note that the Bills would "mix-and-match" in that some players can be seen wearing the Sand Knit fishnets (port hole mesh) while others wore the normal-style mesh Champion jerseys in the same game. See Getty image #73428283 from the Bills-Eagles game of 12/27/87 where Kelly is in a Sand Knit jersey while the lineman pictured is wearing a Champion jersey (difference in style of the number font on Champion jerseys of that era are quite distinctive from other manufacturers). Making things even more interesting, check out the numerous Bills-Raiders game photos from three weeks earlier where Kelly is in a Champion and most of the other players are in the fishnet Sand Knit jerseys!

Back to Mr. Gibson's Jim Kelly jersey. The combination of the following four issues seems unique and somewhat odd for a circa 1986 Sand Knit Bills jersey:
1. Number font appears too thin.
2. Font style does not appear to be exactly correct.
3. Rounded neck is unusual for Bills jerseys of that era.
4. Sand Knit tagging seems to be post-1986. When MacGregor took over Sand Knit in 1984, the tagging slowly evolved over the next several years. MacGregor wording was added to the bottom tag in small print by the mid-1980s and was later added to the top tag as well. By 1989, they went to the "crown" design on the bottom tag. Of the exemplars in my collection, I do not have a jersey prior to 1987 that has the MacGregor wording on both tags (such as the style on Mr. Gibson's jersey). Not to say that it wasn't included on both tags by 1986 - and collectors out there might have such jerseys - but I would need evidence to alleviate that concern if it were my jersey.

As we all know, there are exceptions to the rule with a prime example being John Elway wearing a Champion at one point in the mid-1980s while the rest of the Broncos sported Russell jerseys. However, the difference is that the Elway Champion jersey can be verified by photographic evidence. No one has presented a photograph or video reference to substantiate the Bills wearing the unusal style of Mr. Gibson's Jim Kelly jersey.

This is all just food for thought in an attempt to be helpful in pointing out some peculiarities about Mr. Gibson's Jim Kelly jersey and the Bills jerseys in general during this era, and to clarify several side issues brought up in this thread. I am by no means stating an opinion on this jersey one way or the other (other to say that it is unusual) nor am I questioning anyone's integrity, opinions, knowledge, etc., etc., etc. . .

Mark Hayne
Gridiron Exchange