At 2:24PM, one year ago today the following announcement was made on the Vintage Baseball Card Forum.

Game Used Memorabilia Forum

January 12 2005 at 2:24 PM Eric Eric (Premier Login ecky3)Hey everyone. There were complaints that the game used discussions didn't fit here. So I'd be willing to start a new website for that. I have space at
The goal will not be not to rant or bad mouth people, but rather to discuss what's for sale and auction in game used memorabilia and the issues of the day. Let's give it a shot. Let me know what you guys think.

.. and the Game Used Forum was born.
HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY EVERYONE. Thanks to everyone who has contributed great information and interesting opinions to this site. Together we are providing an incredible resource to each other and we are changing the way the hobby functions.
Thank you thank you thank you.