radtke sports and gridiron authentics, both prolific ebayers, currently have "game issue" favre helmets for sale on ebay - and you gotta love their item descriptions...

radtke sports:

"...many unique game features include: packer's custom pearl-metallic "packer gold" paint, usa tribute flag, clear warning decal..."

gridiron authentics:

"...many unique game features include: packer's custom pearl-metallic "packer gold" paint.... usa tribute flag..."


radtke goes on to describe his item as a "brett favre autographed 2004 game issue helmet" which is particularly interesting considering the helmet he's hawking is a riddell vsr4 model which favre doesn't wear - favre wears an older riddell model which can be easily verified in photos. these older riddell models were fitted with small plastic posts that held the interior padding in place and these posts were easily visible on the outside of the helmet given they protruded through the helmet shell. riddell replaced these small plastic posts with velcro when they introduced the vsr4 model, which is what radtke is selling, thereby eliminating the need to drill the shell for posts. as such, you won't see any post holes in the vsr4 model - post holes which are very evident on favre's helmet.

even our favorite crook, lambeauleeper, was smart enough not to dress up a vsr4 helmet and try to pass it off on ebay as a favre game issue helmet when he was hawking his versions of "game issued brett favre helmets, issued to brett favre for on-field game use...". but lambeauleeper missed the boat as well given that he also dressed up the wrong riddell model.

gridiron authentics not only has a "game issue" favre helmet listed on ebay but now also has a "tom brady 2001 patriots game issue helmet" with a starting price of $985. ga descibes the brady listing as a "...tom brady new england patriots game issue helmet from the 2001 season and specifically the game against the Jets... helmet is extremely rare. it is not a home-made or 'rigged' piece..."

this item description is more than laughable especially given that this offering is exactly what ga says it's not - "a home-made... rigged piece..." the facemask is incorrect, the chinstrap is incorrect and the patriot side decals aren't even close to being positioned correctly - many seasoned ebay helmet reproducers have offered much more accurate brady reproductions in the past without the "game issue" nonsense and the hefty price tag. apparently gridiron authentics feels the 911 memorial decal they've included adds about $800 to the worth of this weak reproduction.

i must say, however, that i was at least happy to see that ga made it a point to state brady never wore this helmet and made a better effort to describe it as "customized" which wasn't the case with the favre helmet - i would also like to think that my emails to ga concerning the favre helmet may have had something to do with this but who knows. one thing is certain, the responses i did receive from ga regarding the favre helmet were so mind numbingly ridiculous given their absurd double-talk that i was not left with an impression of honesty. so absurd was the bs in these responses that i don't feel comfortable posting them here as it would be tremendously embarrassing for ga - but if anyone is that interested please pm me and i will send them to you.