Thanks for the heads-up, I was able to catch the left coast airing... A couple of questions:

1) what was the name of the second authenticator who nailed the forgeries (GAI was one and "our own Richard Simon" - sorry I don't know who that is - was the other) and what were the names of the ones who blew it;
2) who are the "reputable" authenticators (to date, I have only bought items autheticated by PSA/DNA - who appeared to have gotten the Ruth/Johnson card right- and GAI); and
3) which "memorabilia dealers" should be/are considered to be solid (for example, I have generally limited my signed and/or game used purchases to MLB, Tri-Star, Steiner, Mounted Memories and the Clemens Foundation).

I'm pretty new to this whole game-used and signed memorabilia world, and appreciate the assistance.
