I'd like several opinions on this.

When in the middle of negotiating a price of an item with a seller, the seller makes a claim to have previously sold many of the same items for X amount.

Is it wrong to ask the seller to stand by that claim and show you where they've sold said item for X amount?

I mean, with my business background I've never once taken the word of a wholesaler that the price they tell me something sells for is the the price I will actually get.

I strictly go by the current market. The price the market dictates it the price I expect to get (depending on many other factors of course).

So if the market suggests that $250-$300 is the actual going rate of an item yet the seller claims to have sold many of the same item for $400-$500, wouldn't it be in my best interest to ask them to provide proof of such a claim - by asking them to show even one completed auction or a link to any one of these items that has sold for over $400?

Or is the seller right in blasting me, claiming to be highly insulted and refusing to do business with me because i called them a liar (which does not affect me either way as there are many sellers in the market)?

A more simple anology would be that if you know a certain jersey goes for $1000 but I tried selling mine to you for $1800 and told you "Hey, I sell these all day long at $1800-$2200!" Wouldn't you be inclined to ask me to show you where I've sold my jerseys for those prices?