i received my reference guide today. absolutely fantastic. highly recommended. over 1200 pages detailing mlb game jerseys from 1977-2007.

like anything of this nature, there are bound to be a few errors and some debate over details. however, this is the only guide of this nature out there. there's really nothing else that's this comprehensive and covers this level of detail. it's a collosal effort that's well worth the price. similar to this forum, it really raises the collective knowledge of the community. we all have our niches and it's impossible to be an expert in every niche. in this sense, this guide provides immense value by giving a good baseline for niches in which individual collectors have no expertise.

again, highly recommended. i'm unsure of a better $20 investment.
if ever there was jersey porn, this is it. (short of AMI's disturbing catalogs).

(*i have no financial interest in this guide whatsoever.)
