wow. seems like a card company got taken. big surprise though. they've no expertise in this area. they simply rely on other "experts". how does a card company pick someone to buy on their behalf? who's got the most hyperbolic p.r. release? if a card company knows nothing about this entire field (anyone who cuts up a babe ruth jersey is thoroughly ignorant about this entire hobby), then how can they discern between a genuine expert and someone who's just very skilled at marketing themselves as one? the blind leading the blind. anyway, here's a compelation of seahawks fonts from 2003-2005. they seem consistant through those years. skinny font on white jerseys, fat font on grey jerseys. the fat font still doesn't match the card cuts nor does it match any of the ASI/PSI/Historic jerseys. it's literally impossible to find this font on any gamer. yet as soon as you look on a retail jersey, presto, there it is. i think the conclusions are obvious.
