I thought you guys would find this interesting. This was an article on ESPN.com

NEW YORK -- A can of bug spray used in the Yankees' dugout when those tiny midges swarmed Cleveland's Jacobs Field during the American League playoffs fetched $673 online.
The pest repellant was up for bid in a Major League Baseball auction of memorabilia from the 2007 postseason.
Distracted by the bugs -- called midges -- crawling all over his neck and face, New York reliever Joba Chamberlain threw two wild pitches in Game 2 of the division series. That allowed the Indians to score the tying run in the eighth inning.
The Yankees lost 2-1 in 11 innings and fell behind 2-0 in the best-of-five series, which they lost in four games.
Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press