I had the opportunity to meet Bob Skinner at a show yesterday and have him sign my game bat. He told me a story about this particular model, an S226. He said he used to get a callous on his bottom hand from the S2 bat knob, so H&B turned this new bat (with a less-pronounced knob) to his specs. I was just curious if Skinner's records reflected his account, and if so, when the S226 was first turned.

My particular bat is 34.5" and, according to Bats, dates to the 1964 season (REG.U.S.PAT.OFF. under oval w/ "new" version of Powerized). But it weighs only 28.5 ounces. Clearly, this bat has lost some weight (which I find interesting in light of the recent GUF discussion about weight gains and losses). So, I'm curious what the records say about Skinner's S226, 34.5", circa 1964. Thanks!
