So I have my Dad pick up my packages from auctions at DHL this evening. I ordered a lineup card and four baseballs. Luckily, the baseballs came fine. I would have wished that they had put the baseballs in cases, but they were wrapped nicely nonetheless.

But I am absolutely incensed by their wrapping job on my lineup card. They didn't even put it in a soft sleeve to protect the corners. And the two pieces of cardboard they surrounded it with didn't even fit the whole lineup card. All four of the corners were bent (the top two very badly), and I don't pay $150 to have a damaged lineup card.

What do I do? I want the lineup card, but it looks disgraceful. It would have cost them $1.00 to put it in a soft-sleeve so it wasn't damaged. Now I am out the money and I don't have a display-worthy lineup card. I will think twice before I buy from Auctions in the future.