Hi Folks - many of you have probably noticed that I have not posted much recently. I have literally been on a plane every week for most of 2008. I have answered all my e-mails every week relative to bat questions and I appreciate all of your kind comments. For those of you who apologize for e-mailing me every day - please don't do so - I enjoy answering the e-mails and will continue to do so. I apologize if it has taken me a day or two to get back to you because of my travels and espcially since I can't really carry all the records with me all the time.

My company has just hired someone to take over my travel duties, which is great for me. I will still be traveling, but not at the pace I have experienced in 2008.

Anyway - see more active on the Forum going forward and please don't ever hesitate to e-mail me with any questions........

Thanks!! Jim