As part of the winter caravan, the Nats visited Richmond tonight.

Crowd wasnt too bad, plus we got there early for dinner so we had a great seat. What a treat to see Zimmerman , Acta, Hanrahan, et all walk by your table! My son just about went nuts seeing all his favorite Nats up close and personal. The players got a real kick out of his enthusiasm.

Anyway, they made an annoucement that all players would sign one item per person EXCEPT Zimmerman. Zim wasnt signing anything but he would take a pic with you. Since lining people up for pics takes infinitely more time than signing an auto would, I can only assume that there was some contractual issue with signing. I of course had brought my son's 16x20 Zim photo, a game used bat, a baseball card, and a host of other Zim items only to not be able to get them signed. All the players each signed a ball for my kids (with the exception of Zim). I also got Joel Hanrahan to sign 2 ticket stubs for me. One from his first ML game and one from his first ML win.

My Ryan, Ryan Zimmerman, and Hailey (who NEVER takes off her pink Nats hat)

Ryan discussing the opening day line up with manager Manny Acta

I'm off camera, but I was asking Joel Hanrahan how his golf game is and he said he was "locked in!". As he signed my ticket stubs, we talked about how I outbid his uncle on ebay for the stub.

Charlie Slowes (announcer), John Lannan, Willie Harris, Joel Hanranhan, et al...