While I am a relatively new member to the GUU forum with only a few posts I have been an avid reader for an extended period of time. I've been collecting game used bats for approximately 15 years and generally keep my collection to around 100-120 bats. I've just recently had a very disappointing experience in trying to purchase a bat. I'm looking for opinions as to whether I'm way off base or not in my thinking as to how the situation unfolded.

I had requested pics one evening of a bat posted for sale (Collector to Collector). By the next mid day I had received the pics and the seller again stated his price for the bat. Within the hour of receiving the pics I received another email from the seller stating they had interest in the bat and for me to get back to them. Less then an hour later I replied that I would take the bat and how should I send payment. I was working so the delay was not intentional nor do I feel it was excessive. Approximately 3 1/2 hours later I received a brief email stating someone responded before me and the bat was sold.

My issue in a nut shell is I feel this type of dealing was/is very poor. If you offer an item for a person to purchase, especially to a person who has inquired about it, shouldn't you give them an opportunity to respond or actually make the purchase? I would never let someone question my intent to purchase. In the past when I've requested pics and the item was not what I was looking for I responded with a thank you but I'm going to pass. I feel that this is just simple courtesy. Am I wrong in thinking the handling of this was very poor and inappropriate?

People differ, as well have differing views. And I completely understand that the owner of the bat can do whatever they wish with their own property. I'm not sure I want to tred into an ethical or unethical debate but it seems that there should be some basic business decorum or even common courtesy practiced.

I'm sure others have had similarly disappointing experiences and I shouldn't expect this one to be my last. Maybe I am incorrect in feeling I was wronged in this dealing, maybe I'm frustrated with not getting the bat or maybe I just needed to rant or vent...