Randy Galloway had an article in todays Fort Worth paper, the Star-Telegram , about Josh Hamilton. He said with the publicity of some former Rangers players being linked to steroids it was good to have a star player who is not, Josh Hamilton. Because of his past problems and former addiction to cocaine Hamilton is tested by major league baseball THREE TIMES EVERY WEEK for ALL substances. He has written a book about his former drug addiction in which he blames no one but himself. He has been very generous in signing autographs for fans and in speaking to groups about his past drug problems to encourage others not to make his mistakes. At the home run derby at Yankee Stadium he asked that his former high school coach be the one to pitch to him becasue he wanted to thank him for all the time he spent pitching to kids over the years . At the Rangers fan fest earlier this year Hamilton said he tried to always remember that it was the fans who are important and make his job possbile. At a time when people are speculating on who may have used or be using PEDs I think it is good to point out someone like Hamilton who is certifiably clean and actually cares about the fans.