Quote Originally Posted by markize View Post

Ok, I applaud your honesty. But how can you expect to be taken seriously with the listing price? Also, how can you expect to get good money for something an authenticator most people trust says is not legit? I'm sorry if you were offended by my comments, but honestly, don't you think most people were thinking the same thing as the original post?

That question is what drives me absolutely nuts. You are right, though, people will ulitmately put more faith in an authenticator than the source of the item, the seller, etc. I personally could care less if the item has been authenticated, has not been or comes with an LOA from Jesus himself. LOA's and authenticators are worthless to me but in this day and age, everyone thinks that it is fake if it does not have the LOA and if it does it must be as good as gold.

What I am hoping with this helmet is that people will look at all of the evidence presently proveance etc. and make a sound judgement based on those facts. Sadly, the authentication or lack thereof will probably always win out. In my many years dealing with Alan Sesserago the original owner of this helmet, I have never known him to sell anything non-legit. This is the only questionable item that I have ever known him to have in his collection and this did not come to light until I had it authenticated. He fully stands behind the item 100% at this point as well. Several other people have dealt with Alan on this board and have spoken very highly of him. Is it possible he had one bad apple in the basket? Who knows, ultimately we never will unless I can ever get to a point to ask Cal Ripken Jr. face to face, but then again, he signed the helmet and if it was not his why would he have signed it to begin with? Ripken does not signed game used equipment that is not his if he knows it is not his and believe me, he knows what is and is not his, his memory is incredible.

Because of Mears excellent work on this helmet I now have a $250.00 conversation piece instead of a $5 or $6k game worn Ripken helmet. Of course, nobody twisted my arm to get the thing authenticated it was my choice. I guess that is the risk you run with anything you have authenticated.

I have been buying and selling game used Ripken items for over 20 years I guess close to 25 now and never have I sold anything to anybody that I was ashamed to sell or trying to hide. I never have and I never will. My name and my integrity is too important to me to do that.