
I hope you all enjoy this post.....my last in regards to anything related to Grey Flannel.

Apparently, speaking your opinion about someone's customer service, or lack there-of, when commenting on a post another member posted in regards to the same thing......is now considered "actionable" to Grey Flannels lawyers.

Apparently....referring to a place as a "schlockhouse" without making any other reference as to any wrongdoing like fraud, making libelous comments, or calling out an item as being bad is considered "the last warning" to Grey Flannels lawyers.

In fact, it is apparent to me that if you have an opinion at ALL that is not to the liking, complimentary in nature, or favorable to Grey Flannel.....you had better keep it to yourself.

So, as I promised.......and up to this point felt I had kept my promise.....I will not be commenting at all on anything related to Grey Flannel.

I received my second C & D letter today, stating that (the lawyer) had been informed that I had apparently changed direction in not wanting to be part of any unwarranted attacks against them, or derrogatory in nature.

For whatever reason, they have singled me out as the "example" of what they will do when someone is acting (verbalizing) in a manner that is offensive to the company.

I feel I have been maintaining VERY CLEARLY that everything I have stated since the first C & D letter was simply my opinion. An OPINION. Not an attack, a statement meant to defame or cause damage.......just an added opinion. But as I promised the attorney who I called on the first C & D letter that I would avoid this, because I did not want to be involved with even the remote possibility of legal action for simply stating my "opinions".

So good luck forum members. The best I can figure, the second letter was instigated by someone at Grey Flannel who is obviously reading the posts, and my comments, posts #10, 21, 23, 33, and 34 from this thread:


.....prompted this letter.

So, I am not looking for a fight. You win Grey Flannel. If I ever make another comment abnout ANYTHING someone else posts, I will respond only to the item itself, and in the form of fact finding questions, in line with the polocies of this forum.

Happy forth of July, fellow forum members. Just remember, in America, you have a right to free speech......unless you fight the "establishment" and piss off the wrong group. Then, you get no apple pie.

