Not the first time I've had this complaint, and I know it won't be the last...

I'll use one seller of game used as an example. 2 guys, nobody prominent in the hobby, sitting at their table both consumed by their Blackberries texting... Neither looks up as I attempt to look at the batracks, which upon moving would knock things over - but you can only see 2/4 sides... Still, neither gives me the time of day. So, I ask and a stapled paperwork sheet is moved toward me that contains the inventory list in a fashion that conveys irritation as they are both texting...

Now, on the sheets there is what appears to be a late 60's Northrup that I'd love to see. At $950, at this point in time when our economy is the worst it has been in YEARS, I can think of better ways to spend that $950 - but I am a collector and it is what I do... However: "IF A SELLER CANNOT GET UP OFF HIS ASS TO ASSIST A CUSTOMER, NOR ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR PRESENCE, PLEASE DO NOT EXHIBIT AT THE NATIONAL. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME, AND WE THE CUSTOMER WILL NOT WASTE YOURS BY INTERRUPTING YOU TEXTING, ETC."

This was not limited to this booth but at another game used jersey booth, with not a sole at it, a man and woman, I'll assume married or dating, etc, carried on nature's ritual of flirting, etc., and it took me about 5 minutes to ask 2 simple questions. Their conversation consisted of what they were going to do that evening...

It aways puzzles me why people think the buyer is going to come thru that door and beg for information, and throw fistfulls of hard earned $$ out there. Seller must earn it just like everybody else.

Keep in mind, in each aforementioned example above, I was the ONLY one at their booth at the time.