As a subscriber to SCD since 1982, I can't stand receiving this 35-43 page piece of garbage any longer. When was the last time any collector on this site purchased a valuable game worn item from the pages of SCD or read a story with any insight about the hobby? I simply can't stand reading another T.S. O'Connell story about the ex-groundskeeper in Medford, Oregon who sifted the cow dung by hand in order to make the outfield grass grow for the Medford A's or an in-depth story about the some blind guy in Racine who collects replica stadium napkin dispensers.

Within a month of my subscription running out, I received a renewal form each week, asking me to renew for one additional year. I was really tempted, especially with the rare chance to add a valuable 4 inch plastic Hartland statue to my collection, (direct from China, as stamped on the bottom of the base)! As a 27 year subscriber, I would have to believe the renewal rate offered to me was the best they had-one year, $34.98

While quickly searching the web, I ran upon the SCD site, and a one year offer for a reduced rate of only $27.98!$341,779/

Hey SCD-not only has your publication turned into a total joke, you don't have a clue about customer loyalty or basic business.

"Hey Howard, thanks for being a subscriber for 27 years-the rate we're offering you is $7.00 more than any guy on the street pays when they go directly to our site!"

How sad to watch this once premier publication continue to spiral down the dumps, totally out of control.

Howard Wolf