Here's a more specific list of bats I'm looking for. I will take bats of any of these players listed if they do not have team names. If they do have team names, I only want bats that have these specific team names. I hope that makes sense. For example, I don't want a Ben Davis Seattle Mariners bat, but I would take a Ben Davis San Diego Padres bat or one without a team name.

Ben Davis
Matt Clement
Gabe Alvarez
Juan Melo (purchase pending)
Kevin Nicholson
Gary Matthews Jr
Mandy Romero
Greg LaRocca
Wiki Gonzalez
Aaron Guiel
David Newhan

White Sox:
Aaron Miles
Miguel Olivo
Tim Hummel
Humberto Quintero
Chris Heintz
Danny Sandoval

Dayton Buller
Charlie Culberson
Matt Downs
Travis Ishikawa
Ryan Rohlinger
Eli Whiteside
Brian Horwitz