So first off I pride myself in being a young adult who to this point has not got himself in debt like a lot of fellow people my age.

That being said when I bid on items or spend money on game used items I give myself a budget and once all my max bids have reached my budget I stop bidding and know once its all said and done I will have only spent X amount of dollars...

I was bidding on a game used bat on ebay and it had 5 hours left and I was outbid. I wrote that money off as money no longer spent so I went out to the mall and got a few other things with that money. I come back to see I have "won an ebay auction" I was confused to what I had won i checked the email and it was the bat I had thought I was outbid on..

My question is it still a legally binding contract when that happens? I am going to pay for it but my concern with this is companies shill bidding on their items to see what someones max bid was and retracting it.. Or what if its was a very high dollar item I was bidding on. In this case it wasnt but lets say I am bidding on something that is a very very big purchase for me and this happens and I go another route and the money is not there?

Whats the rule guys?