Jeff - I have 2 stories of complete opposite sides of the equation on ridiculous offer w/ a message, and then awesome offer w/ a message.

So I have one of the marked Barry Bonds balls from his 700th HR game at a BIN at $7,300 w/ Best Offer. So this is what I typically get.
22jeff( 310) US $3.99 You automatically declined Jan-13-09 22:06:45 PST90638-1402 Buyer message: to bad Barry was such a jerk. i would have made a real offer. jeff-

Then on the opposite side of the equation, I just put up over the weekend this sweet Randy Johnson ball from his 300 Win game at $995 and I got a Best Offer for $985 which I accepted and he paid for already and then I got the following note: Thank you for making this historic baseball available at such a reasonable asking price!