Quote Originally Posted by r_to_the_2nd@yahoo.com View Post
Are minor league jerseys good investments? Particularly if the guy is an outstanding pro?

Also, has anyone purchased anything from a Huggins & Scott auction? Is there site legit?

Please let me know.
I think Huggins & Scott is one of the better auction houses out there. It is very respected and never heard anything bad about them. I have bought from them some vintage material and found them to have excellent customer service.

Depending on when you buy the minor league jersey, whether before or after they are known as an outstanding pro, you may already see the perceived value already tacked onto the price. It's kinda like speculating on rookie cards in the 1980's for some collectors so the price at auction will adjust accordingly.

Minor league items are rarer but I think most collectors would prefer a Major League jersey, so demand for minor league jersey are less. imho.