Hi - I have heard some horror stories about people buying what they thought were legit M&N jerseys on ebay, only to find out that what they got was some foreign made ripoff. It seems that many of these "sellers" will use a actual M&N produced (stock) photo of the jersey and describe it as such. I recently saw a nice M&N on ebay and noticed it had a very low price (red flag!). I decided to inquire, so I asked the following questions 1) where are you located?, 2) is this an actual M&N Authentic Cooperstown Collection item, 3) can you send me a picture of the actual jersey (not manufacturer's photo) 4) also, can you send a close-up picture of the M&N tagging of actual jersey.

It will be interesting to see what type of response I get, if any. A question for the folks who know about the M&N jerseys, is there any type of model, code, or other identifying number on these jerseys that can help assure authenticity. I know that these makers of these fakes have gone as far as replicating the M&N tagging, that's why I asked to see a closeup. I know that the jersey I was looking is one that is, or at least was, carried by M&N. Obviously I can't go by the photo in auction since its a M&N photo to begin with. Even with a response that supports authenticity (e.g photos) I still could very well "receive" a fake. Education is good. Thanks for the feedback.