About 6 weeks ago my buddy and I were in a downtown Phoenix liquor store looking for a couple bottles of red. Normally we don't buy wine from LIQUOR and CIGARETTES but we had our ladies with us so we were on a tight schedule. They had a great selection for a little dive so we grabbed two and headed to the counter. To our surprise there were 2 boxes of 1989 Fleer baseball sitting at the register. The guy behind the counter offers us $10 a box if we take both. NICE! So we grab them and he assures us he will have more in a week.

Back at the ranch we start drinking wine, smokin' some Arturo Fuente Cubanitos and cracking packs. Suddenly we were both back in our youth looking for a Ripken error or Griffey rookie. It was a blast......

Fast forward 3 weeks and we are headed back to LIQUOR and CIGARETTES for more wax. This time we have my younger brother and his buddy with us. 2 boxes of '88 Donruss and a box of 1991 UD. My bro and his buddy are looking at us like we are crazy. A few hours later 4 "12-year olds" are sitting around the fire pit drinking wine, cracking wax and smoking cigars.

So far for next weekend we have 2 boxes of 1986 Donruss on tap. I suggest everyone who used to shuck boxes get together with another old junkie, have a few drinks and enjoy the experience. This same sort of feeling must be what started the great wax rush of the 1980's. Folks moving into midlife going back to what they remembered doing as kids.