Hi All,

A while back I had posted a thread about how I collect top level superstar game used NFL jerseys, and was looking for information regarding the upcoming Pat Catello auction as I wanted a Dan Marino game used jersey for my collection but it had to be from either Pat Catello or Dan Marino himself. I appreciate all the help that came from the forum. Anyway, I just recently seen the Basketball Hall of Fame auction program from Grey Flannel, and they have the 1st part of the Pat Catello auction. I finally found my Marino, but now I am blown away by his Lawrence Taylor jersey. This is probably the 1st jersey he wore, and one I really want to own. I was curious what your opinions are as to what this may go for, all the so called "experts" I have spoken with have said that I will need at least 20K ready, but that more importantly there are two NY Giant game used collectors who will want it, but one guy in New Jersey who works with the team will ultimately win it to place his collection at the top? I am curious as to what your opinions are, as I am out of the loop a little, and want to know if I have a chance at the jersey or not.
