I want to begin by pointing out that this thread is not directed at anyone in specific. My goal is not to single anyone out, as I've seen this request from several people both on this forum and in private transactions as of late. I was just kind of wondering if others had trouble with the PayPal as a gift phenomenon on either ethical or practical grounds.

As a buyer, I have no problem paying for PayPal fees. However, I don't want to send money via PayPal as a gift for a seller I don't know personally. After all, if the item doesn't show up, what recourse do I have? If I understand correctly, by sending PayPal as a gift, I am losing any PayPal buyer protection I would get. It's just not a risk I want to take, especially if the seller is a stranger. Does anyone else feel similarly?

I also just have a problem saying that something is a gift if it's really not. I mean, it's not a huge deal if it's a $10 transaction, and that is so minor that it doesn't really bother me. However, if it's above that amount, then I feel an obligation to represent my dealings the way they truly happened. Again, I am more than gladly willing to pay a few dollars extra if someone asks me to offset PayPal fees. Just ask, and I am more than willing to compensate people.

But on the Collector to Collector Classifieds, I'm seeing people request that PayPal be sent as a gift, to the tune of $100+ dollar transactions. That is what's truly troubling to me. If the fees bother people so much, why not add an extra charge onto the price? This extra charge seems much more reasonable on my end than a request that I misrepresent my transaction to PayPal and ultimately lose any buyer protection.

Honestly, there is a lot of grey-area with this issue. Personally, I don't see as big of a problem with PayPal as a gift in partial-cash, partial trade deals. After all, in these types of deals, something else is being exchanged. For me, when a trade is involved, it is proof of a transaction in and of itself. I'm really curious to read what everyone else thinks about PayPal as a gift. It seems that in the past six months that these requests are really increasing.

