As a lot of you know, I'm big into MLB photography and I've taken LOTS of photos this season. I use high-end equipment which can give me images that can catch every loose stitch and every little ball mark.

I'd like to share my photos with forum members looking to photomatch their memorabilia from the 2011 season. I take anywhere between 400-700 photos per game, and I take as many close-ups as I can solely for photomatching purposes. Though roughly 75% of my photos are Braves, I do try to get photos of everyone that plays for the opposing team as well, so I'm sure I could help out plenty of you for photomatches. I've already helped several forum members find photomatches to my images so hopefully there's more stuff out there that I have photos of to help match.

Here are the games that I have photos from:

4/8/11 - Opening Day - Mets
4/16/11 - Jackie Robinson Day Jerseys - Mets
5/1/11 - Cardinals
5/4/11 - Brewers
5/15/11 - Civil Rights Game - 74' Throwbacks - Phillies
5/17/11 - Astros
5/30/11 - Reds
6/16/11 - Mets (not too many images from this game)
6/19/11 - Rangers
6/21/11 - Blue Jays
7/2/11 - Orioles
7/3/11 - Orioles
7/7/11 - Rockies (I only have 33 images from the first few minutes of this game due to getting in trouble with the Braves team photographer)
8/18/11 - Giants
9/4/11 - Dodgers
9/14/11 - Marlins

If anyone has equipment used on or around these dates, just let me know what player(s) you're looking for and I'll check to see what I have.