I was going to mention this earlier, but thought if I did it while the Rangers were down, it might sound like sour grapes...

Anyway, my personal opinion - before the Series even started is that Joe Buck and Tim McCarver should have been replaced for the WS this year (and probably in the past as well - 2004/2006) considering Buck is a former Cardinals announcer and McCarver is a former Cardinals player.

Doesn''t it seem like there might be some bias there???

I'll give them that they have been professional so far, but we will see how it goes when it comes down to the final game.

On another note, I was listening to the game as the wife and I took a drive through the mountains yesterday and after Kinsler's broken bat out, that jack ass of a former MLB Manager Bobby Valentine makes this asinine comment:

"I feel that if a player throws his bat at a ball and hits it and if the thrown bat interferes with the defense and by the rules it's an automatic out, the same should hold true if a player breaks his bat and the broken barrel interferes with the defense. The batter should automatically be out." Really Bobby? Go back to Japan... please.

Just my opinion...

- Smitty