This summer will be the 40th anniversary of the USA basketball team's controversial Olympic loss to the Russian team.
Also, the Americans have refused to accept a Silver Medal for 40 years.
Sure, the ending of the game was a travesty.
However, 11 Israeli Olympic athletes were murdered in a terrorist attack days before the Russia/USA game. The USA continues the most un-sportsmanlike attitude in the history of Olympic competition. Crying about their precious gold medal, when others died and will never see their families again.
If the USA team was worthy of a gold medal, why did they not build a bigger lead and guarantee a victory?
Basketball was invented in the United States of America. We didn't need to prove our legacy in 1972, or now.
I ask the surviving members of the '72 team to accept their Silver Medals and quit crying about some lame-ass basketball game. It's embarrassing.