So I recently bought an early 70's Steelers game used Marietta clear shell helmet. Pretty excited when I got it. Looked it all over, looks great. Took some pictures of it, and wham-o...I noticed something funky. On the logo, the "STEELERS" seemed to be a different font than what I am used to. It is a bit smaller than "normal", but also the font is what I would describe as the "stenciled" Steelers font that we sometimes see, with gaps in the letters.

Huh? I have tried to style match the logo and have spent hours on the computer looking. Nothing. I have talked to fellow helmet collectors and "experts.". No luck. Perhaps Marietta had a local decal company and decaled the Steelers helmets with a different style. I have seen that before on other helmets, other teams from the 60's and 70's. I finally gave up after no luck in finding a style match - which as we all know can be difficult on the few small low resolution photos from the 70's. Unless you have an extreme closeup of the one side of the helmet that they wore a logo, straight on, you can't see $#!+.

So, there I was, looking through the Hunt Superbowl Auction. What? A Terry Bradshaw game used helmet? Wow, I gotta check this out! Looks good! Got a great letter or receipt from an original donation to a fund raiser. Nice! Wait...the logo...the looks...funky! Yes, the same font on this Maxpro helmet as on my Marietta. Perhaps Marietta (Maxpro)had a local decal company...
