Getting a friend started in the hobby. Sold him some game used stuff and now we are going up to a local autograph show.

While I am indifferent to teams, he is pretty strict Cowboys only. He also has more common sense than I to spend so much money on collectibles. He can't just dig in a closet and pull out a gamer or something ready to be signed.

With that said, I've struggled to help him find something to get signed. Obviously he doesn't want to display rival team photos even if he meet the player.

I thought about sports magazines, then struggled to find some for the players we are meeting. Issues early on also certainly signals issues down the road.

Short of the run of the mill football or NFL / Pro Bowl / HOF / SB helmets, can you guys give me some suggestions. Only have a week or so to put things together, he is working on a modest budget as well.