Quote Originally Posted by nevrdiez34 View Post
I think I'm going to have to ask dougiedshow and 5toolplayer for advice, I feel like they win discounts nearly every auction! Congrats!
I've won a few times over the years, here's what I do.

1) I look at the average interval between winning bids (you can see all of the previous threads on GUU).
2) I also watch for Ken to post if it's getting close to another prize.
3) I bid early and try for the smaller prizes as well. Some people wait until it gets closer to $500-$1000, but then you have more competition. I'll take $250
4) I bid on items I'm interested in, then I also place a few more "max bids" on the item, one at a time. Those seem to count as a bid and save you significant time as opposed to finding another item to bid on. Plus I'm bidding on items I really want, rather than a shotgun approach with a bunch of opening bids.

Hope that helps.
