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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2006

    Johnny Damon Game-Used Jersey?


    I'm seeking an opinion from all of you jersey experts. I am somewhat interested, but can't imagine anything Johnny Damon game used from 2004 would be listed for $389. I know absolutely nothing about jerseys and uniforms, so I am asking for any opinions that anyone may have. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Johnny Damon Game-Used Jersey?

    I have had several 2004 Russell jerseys, and all had the "New" tag used only in 2004. This particular Damon has the pre-2004 tag, howver, is offered as a 2004..

    See the link from a previous post.


    Howard Wolf

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Johnny Damon Game-Used Jersey?

    Quote Originally Posted by hblakewolf
    I have had several 2004 Russell jerseys, and all had the "New" tag used only in 2004. This particular Damon has the pre-2004 tag, howver, is offered as a 2004..

    See the link from a previous post.


    Howard Wolf
    Howard - Thanks for your response and the link you provided. Not to be totally ignorant (I did read the entire thread), but in your opinion, would you say that this was probably at least a game issued jersey from a previous year carried over to 2004? Or, a possible fake, because of the mis-match, or just hard to tell?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Johnny Damon Game-Used Jersey?

    Quote Originally Posted by mwbosoxfan
    Howard - Thanks for your response and the link you provided. Not to be totally ignorant (I did read the entire thread), but in your opinion, would you say that this was probably at least a game issued jersey from a previous year carried over to 2004? Or, a possible fake, because of the mis-match, or just hard to tell?
    It is not a team issued jersey carried over, as it is tagged 2004 and the RedSox wore Majestic in 2005.

    I have seen quite a few 2004 RedSox 2004's, none having this older style tagging.

    You will need to solicit the advice from a RedSox expert on this one. No doubt there are quite a few who read and contribute to this site on a regular basis.

    Howard Wolf

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Johnny Damon Game-Used Jersey?

    Howard, sorry but you are wrong. I have handled many 2004 Russell jerseys that have had the pre-2004 Russell tag. For what I have seen it is about 50/50. 50% 2004 Russell jerseys with the pre-2004 manufacturers tag and 50% with the 2004 Russell manufacturers tag. The jersey in question looks ok to me, but I believe the same seller may have been selling similar jerseys as game-issued a few months ago.

  6. #6

    Re: Johnny Damon Game-Used Jersey?

    I've handled a bunch of Sox gamers from the 04 season. The only ones I've seen with the newer tagging are Orlando Cabrera (mid season trade, I'm sure everyone knows about), and Abe Alvarez, who only played one game in the bigs, the second game of a double header against the Orioles in July. But, I'm not so sure about the seller in question. He has had several "gamers" that show no use at all. I even bought a Roberto Alomar Indians jersey from him that was advertised as game used, and it was brand new.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Johnny Damon Game-Used Jersey?

    Quote Originally Posted by trsent
    Howard, sorry but you are wrong. I have handled many 2004 Russell jerseys that have had the pre-2004 Russell tag. For what I have seen it is about 50/50. 50% 2004 Russell jerseys with the pre-2004 manufacturers tag and 50% with the 2004 Russell manufacturers tag. The jersey in question looks ok to me, but I believe the same seller may have been selling similar jerseys as game-issued a few months ago.
    I'm a bit taken back by your statement, "Howard, sorry but you are wrong".

    How could I be wrong with what I posted, "I have seen quite a few 2004 RedSox 2004's, none having this older style tagging.

    You will need to solicit the advice from a RedSox expert on this one. No doubt there are quite a few who read and contribute to this site on a regular basis"

    Joel, the Red Sox 2004 jerseys I have seen that came directly from the team had the newer tag. How can "this be wrong"?

    I think you better reexamine what I posted before making baseless statements about me.

    Howard Wolf

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Johnny Damon Game-Used Jersey?

    Howard, don't take it personally, chill out, you made a statement that was wrong, as I have seen both style tags right out of the locker room.

    I can't believe you are offended because I stated that you were wrong, chill out man, I am so tired of the people on this forum taking everything personally and always posting like they are the know alls of the industry.

    It is a discussion, not a pissing contest.

    Did anyone read the post of Dave Grob's that I posted a few days ago?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Johnny Damon Game-Used Jersey?

    Trsent i am sorry i have to back up Howard on this one. Trsent did you even read what he wrote. I am curious myself how you think hes wrong? Trsent you say your tired of people crying about taking things personally thats bcuz you dont read or think before you speak.

    All he said was from the jersey he saw. He never said that it is a fact that all the jerseys of the red sox in the world of 2004 have this particular tagging, he just said what he saw, and follow up with its better to ask a boston red sox expert.

    How can you say hes wrong of what hes seen, do you wake up with Howard every morning and know what he looks at everyday?

    If you do, do you spy on me too. Let me know cuz im calling my neighborhood police watch on you!!!!

    Trsent dont take this personal but sometimes you really dont know what your saying!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Johnny Damon Game-Used Jersey?

    I deleted my post before posting it.

    Too many swear words.

    I stand behind my previous comments, and Jason, don't you EVER MAKE ASSUMPTIONS OR COMMENTS ABOUT WHO I WAKE UP BESIDE - It is out of line.

    I feel Howard was wrong because he states that he has only seen one variation - I have seen both. Boo hoo if Howard didn't like that I said he is wrong, I wasn't trying to attack him over the internet.



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