Hi Jim--

I am not certain exactly how the book will be promo'ed and sold on this site -- the exclusive on-line distributor-- whether with a banner across the top, an icon similar to the book announcement currently on the home page, or whatever, but I can assure you that you won't miss it. Remember also, that the premium membership to Game Used Universe, which costs only slightly more than the book itself, ensures members immediate receipt of the book upon publication.

Consider for a moment that the publication of this book will be arguably the most significant moment in the history of the bat collecting hobby... right up there with the access to H & B factory records which was gained in the late 1990's (see History of Game Used Bat Collecting blog in the Expert's Corner). My personal opinion is that although this book could not have been published without access to the factory records afforded by H & B , the access by every collector to these records is monumental -- now the records will clearly speak for themselves, and the collector can interpret those records for himself. No longer will there be total dependence on the sometimes subjective interpretation of those records by the half-dozen or so people currently with access to them.

Good Luck.

Mike Jackitout7@aol.com