so i've got a handful of 1993 white sox russell gamers in my library and every single one, whether it be home, road, or alt, has a strip tag like this:

GFC's jackson gamer has a strip tag that i've never seen on '93 white sox shirts. i know there are a few white sox experts on here. can anyone comment on whether they've ever seen that sort of strip tag on a '93 white sox shirt? jackson missed the entire 1992 season due to injury and only played in 83 games in 1993. i'm not sure when exactly in the '93 season jackson was with the team. perhaps the white sox didn't know if jackson would even be playing in 1993 and this is a spare? is this what spare tagging would look like on a '93 white sox shirt?

here's another odd '93 white sox tag i've never seen's got the players full last name:

any insight would be appreciated.
