so here's a curious one. for the purposes of this post, let's ignore the fact that the russell tag is from 1996-1999. what has me scratching my head is the inconsistent wear on the tags. specifically, the jersey has apparently undergone so much use that the poly tag is literally down to its last threads. the jersey's been washed so much that the poly tag literally being shredded. despite this huge amount of use, the russell tag shows absolutely no puckering and even more, the ink on the strip tag isn't faded in the least. apparently, during the washes, the poor poly tag was the only one to absorb any of the effects. the russell tag is as crisp and flat as could be and the ink tag looks pretty fresh. i've got a jersey in my collection where the poly tag shows a similar amount of use. the thing is, the russell tag on my jersey also shows a considerable amount of puckering, consistent with the use seen on the poly tag. see below.
i've also shown a well-worn jersey where the ink on the strip tag has faded. not surprisingly, the russell tag appropriately shows an equal amount of puckering. it takes hell of a lot of use for the poly tag to show the amount of use seen on the GFC jersey and i just don't understand how it was possible for the poly tag to get down to its last threads without the russell tag puckering at all and the ink on the strip tag not fading in the least. i'm also at a loss to explain all of the threads on the russell tag popping loose and fraying as they have on the GFC jersey. again, the threads have undergone so much heavy use that they've started fraying and breaking yet the tag has NO puckering? the only time i've seen threads fray like that is when sandpaper has been used.
