Quote Originally Posted by intheminors View Post
Respectfully, I disagree.

We need to stop responding to those people. Flat out... Just stop participating in the banter. Let the mods ban them. Just report them every time they get out of hand and leave it to the mods.

I strongly suggest that we have a link that verifies e-mail addresses when new users sign up. I can't imagine that it would take that much but I truly have no idea what it would consist of strategically. I can't remember if JO Sports has that technology where when you sign up for their e-mail list, JO sends a verification link to your e-mail. You simply click on the link and it verifies that you are, well, you (or at least own that e-mail address). But, since the Mods have a relationship with them, maybe the two organizations could have a discussion about it.

If the trouble makers continue to open new e-mail addresses to create new GUU accounts, so be it. They're wasting their own time, not ours (if we don't let them).

The only other possible solution I could think of is to only let new members post in the "For Sale" and "Wanted" sections until they reach a certain number of posts. Again, that's one more thing the mods would have to deal with. I don't know if it's possible to lock an account until they reach, let's say, 50 posts and then that user is unlocked to post in other places.

I have no beef with Tony (we even tried to meet up with each other at my work a year or so ago. Unfortunately, it didn't happen. I'd still like to shake hands with him). I just see the chat session as a free-for-all in name-calling, bashing and all-around childish behavior that will eventually find it's way back to the main part of GUU.

Just my two cents. I'm not going to second anyone's two cents because I can't add that high.

I agree. You should not be able to sign up with an email account that can be registered from a public site like gmail, yahoo, hotmail otherwise the person can just repeatedly get a new email account. make it a email account that traces to a specific person like a work email or even an email from your cable company.