Going up in Philly, I had the pleasure of going into Pearson Sporting Goods more times than I can remember. Our little league uniforms came from Pearsons as did our baseball gloves, sneakers, caps, baseballs and basketballs.

Back in the day, there were Mom and Pop stores throughout the City but Pearson's was one of the biggest stores around. When you walked into the store, on the left hand side, they had a gigantic wooden board that displayed all of the jerseys they made for the various Philadelphia Professional, college and semi-pro teams. Being a kid, I was just amazed at the Flyers, 76ers, Eagles, Firebirds, Blazers and Big 5 team jerseys that were displayed on the wall.

Every now and again, the store would sell jerseys (I specifically remember seeing 76ers jerseys) that were returned from the teams and yes, they did have a place in the back that had a whole slew of sewing machines.

