It seems that recently we have had 2 disputes on this board where members have claimed that other members or well respected companies are misrepresenting items they have and that the real item is actually in their possession and not that of the other member/company. While I take no sides in either of those arguments, what I don't understand is that in both cases the folks who are throwing up the red flags are not willing to show us their purported item. Both of whom claim they have photo matches.

If you aren't willing to show your item, which is totally understandable, then why raise the red flag on a public forum? I understand that you may not want people to know or see what you have, but if that is the case, I think it best that you just leave it alone or contact the other party privately.

The other thing that is a bit perplexing to me is that the 2 items in question, while being very cool and not cheap by any standard aren't exactly super high end items likely to be Copied, or sought out for some sort of nefarious activity. We are talking about a bat that on a good day is probably worth a few grand and a helmet that I am guessing is in the same ballpark. I think that if this issues goes to a public forum for all to see, then at least show us some evidence so we can all make an informed decision/judgment.

Apologies if I offended anyone, this is just something that seems a bit odd to me.