1) Yes, I am still alive and functioning and doing baseball related stuff.

2) No, I haven't posted on here much lately for various reasons.

3) No, I haven't blogged on my site - smitty.mlblogs.com - it quite a while because MLB changed to Word Press and it really jacked things up and I haven't had time to try and figure it out. Also, they charge for posting pictures in your blog...

4) THANK YOU to all those who have written or called to see if I am okay...

5) I finally adopted a new cat - since the passing of my beloved MoMo in March. His name is Frankie and he is Grey and White (MoMo was Black and White) and he came from the Ft Collins Cat Rescue. He had an infection when he was 2 weeks old and they had to remove his right eye. He's quite a character with lots of personality.

6) I broke my right thumb a week ago stopping a fellow tech from hitting the ground after a fall from about 12 feet. He's bruised and aching, but no broken back, neck, leg or arm. I will be in a hand cast for about 2-3 months.

I think that's all I have to report for right now...

All the best -
