At Thursday night's Sox-Tiger game, during the end of BP, an on-field security guard pointed out something I was unaware of...I was having a sizable nosebleed on the spot, something that never happens to me. Between the guard, an usher (Patricia) a nurse (Pat) and a medic (Chad), I was offered nothing short of sensational treatment and attention by all of the team employees involved. As a caution, I was sent to an ER, where I was tested and released.

As collectors and fans, we usually aren't shy about ripping a new one for the security guard who blocks a baseball from reaching us, or an usher who goes overboard trying to thwart autograph seekers. That said, I wanted to make sure team employees who did everything possible to treat and take care of me get recognized for exemplary work by crowd control and medical staffers. Thanks to all four of you!

Dave Miedema