Quote Originally Posted by Takuleechch View Post
I understand where you're coming from but isn't it on the auction house to prove the items are authentic?
It looks like you guys have done a lot of research already - is there any way you can contact Deloris and figure it out?
I don't really think a 1999 transcript or reprinted diploma can be called original. Thats just my opinion. Surely there is the first one - the original - and everything would therefore not be original?
TAK: the letters are what they are. read the release, look at them, look at the PSA letter, look at Joe Orlando's quote

the transcript is exactly as stated in our catalog, online and printed. a transcript printed at the request of Jordan printed sept 27 1999 by UNC.

The diploma is exactly as stated in the catalog as well. We have not seen any other diploma including the one Deloris claims to have. We do not it is defined by UNC registrar as an original document produced by them, and that they will produce ONLY for the student in question upon their request, as stated in the description.

At the same time Deloris is saying this stuff, I am in discussions with Jordan's agent and attorney who wishes to get the items back. I have this in writing and emails. He also wrote me an email about my items being original. Why would he want them back if not original letters?

This is very frustrating for me. I think the ESPN article is a fair portrayal of the situation.