This is comical. McNamee is the latest clown in a long lineup of shameless idiots to grace our hobby and try to profit off of either their own wrong-doings or someone else's. At the prices he is offering his "collection" (which is nothing more than old crap with his new signature on it), I would be very very surprised to see a single item sold... where will it stop???

OJ Simpson writing a book called "If I did it"

Pete Rose selling $300.00 baseballs inscribed with "I'm sorry I bet on baseball"

Jose Canseco's "Juiced" books

Mark Ecko buying the Bonds HR ball as an avenue to promote himself and in turn make a mockery out of the sport

I'm waiting for the Andy Pettitte/Jason Giambi "I'm sorry I used steroids" signed jerseys. Those should fetch a ton! Maybe they can even have the clubhouse dealer sign beneath them.