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View Full Version : Tebow helmet on NFL auctions

05-13-2013, 02:28 PM
Kind of a hidden auction located on the Jets side panel. It has 18 days left. Anyone know how much that helmet can/would fetch? Just curious being he's not on team anymore. I know his game jersey on eBay right now is over 3,000$ and he's not even on team/ might never play QB in NFL again. Does that make his items more rare? or less valuable. It seems his stuff is still a hot commodity. So he will never go broke as long as he keeps/sells all his stuff when he's old and retired lol..

Link for helmet. (Cool that it has the S.H.E.S sticker on it) http://www.nflauction.nfl.com/iSynApp/auctionDisplay.action?sid=1100783&auctionId=57361&pgmode2=club

Jags Fan Dan
05-13-2013, 04:59 PM
Kind of a hidden auction located on the Jets side panel. It has 18 days left. Anyone know how much that helmet can/would fetch? Just curious being he's not on team anymore. I know his game jersey on eBay right now is over 3,000$ and he's not even on team/ might never play QB in NFL again. Does that make his items more rare? or less valuable. It seems his stuff is still a hot commodity. So he will never go broke as long as he keeps/sells all his stuff when he's old and retired lol..

Link for helmet. (Cool that it has the S.H.E.S sticker on it) http://www.nflauction.nfl.com/iSynApp/auctionDisplay.action?sid=1100783&auctionId=57361&pgmode2=club

The fact that his career as an NFL Qb may be over should definitely have a negative impact on the value of his items. That jersey in 10 years will not be worth anywhere near half that in my opinion.

05-13-2013, 08:06 PM
Personally I think it's nuts! But clearly someone is a fan of his, and the money goes to charity...but if you're looking for resale value down the road, I cannot imagine it would be worth more than 20% of the closing price of this helmet.

His Broncos jersey sold on AMI two years ago for $11,790!! Now consider that All-Pro Classics was also selling a Tebow Jets helmet this year (so this would be his second helmet up for auction this season), I can't see this holding value given his lack of playing time, production and future NFL career.

His Jets jersey got to around $5k in bidding before the season began this year, but didn't hit a reserve. I'm sure there are some fanatical Tebow fans who would love to see their money go towards a good cause, and own a nice piece of memorabilia...but I'm not one of them.

05-15-2013, 01:00 PM
I think everyone is underestimating the loyalty of his fan base... they paid to have billboards put up!

He may never play another down in the NFL, but I believe his stuff will stand the test of time and may increase in value if and when he decides to go into politics.

05-15-2013, 02:37 PM
Tebow in Politics? I heard he wasn't a bright guy at all. Just a fun loving guy.

05-15-2013, 04:36 PM
Tebow in Politics? I heard he wasn't a bright guy at all. Just a fun loving guy.

... well, I am sure the same can be said about many politicians.

I would be willing to place a large bet that he gets into politics at some point.

05-15-2013, 09:41 PM
Tebow in Politics? I heard he wasn't a bright guy at all. Just a fun loving guy.

I looked up his GPA average at Florida and it was 3.76

As for a fun loving guy, I could not agree more - he spends the off season helping disadvantaged kids and ministry work with his parents. Below is a link to his family.



05-26-2013, 07:55 PM
Personally I think it's nuts! But clearly someone is a fan of his, and the money goes to charity...but if you're looking for resale value down the road, I cannot imagine it would be worth more than 20% of the closing price of this helmet.

His Broncos jersey sold on AMI two years ago for $11,790!! Now consider that All-Pro Classics was also selling a Tebow Jets helmet this year (so this would be his second helmet up for auction this season), I can't see this holding value given his lack of playing time, production and future NFL career.

His Jets jersey got to around $5k in bidding before the season began this year, but didn't hit a reserve. I'm sure there are some fanatical Tebow fans who would love to see their money go towards a good cause, and own a nice piece of memorabilia...but I'm not one of them.

I believe this is the only helmet out for the year b/c All Pro lost the contract halfway thru the year.