Quote Originally Posted by eisenreich8 View Post
A local and knowing source dropped me the name Trot Nixon.

I also would add Carl Everett.

I personally do not think Varitek would be on the list. I think he takes his God-given abilities too seriously, which are eroding quickly nonetheless.
He may not be on THAT particular list.......but as an ex catcher, I'm telling you.......Tek was on the juice BIG-TIME.

Go back and look at the "Getty Images" pictures of him in 2002, 2003, 2004.....He was built like a TANK, and his legs were from another world. You don't develope legs like that from squatting behind a plate for years. You develope those kinds of legs by pushing around 1,250 pounds on leg press machines, backed by "quick recovery" so you can catch the next day.

Unless he was training in the off-season (to be the next Eric Heiden) on skates......he was "needle"ing his butt often and heavy.