To all GUU members.....If there are still any of you who doesn't think this forum has significant importance in the memorabilia industry....think again.

Yesterday, by pure chance, I was home from work. First day off I've taken in over 6 months. So the mail comes, and I see a letter addressed to me, return address is that of a law firm locally.

I open it, and it's addressed to me. Not user name here.....MY real name.

It was a cease and desist letter. I called the attorney, had a brief and cordial conversation, and informed him I would not make any more "over-the-top" comments about Grey Flannel, their client, going forward.

Yesterday morning, while I'm home, I get a call on my cell phone from Victor Moreno of AMI. He says he wanted to talk to me about an interesting "Rose" item he just received. He left a number to return his call. I called him back this morning, but have not received a return call.

Today, some guy who introduced himself as "Bob Lacy" who works for AMI shows up at my house. My wife just called to tell me this. The guy wants to talk to me. I told her to call the police and get them there immediately, and make a full report. My wife saw this guy looking through our windows... and mailbox....

I called his cell number and left a message. He has not returned my phone call.

Needless to say, this is alarming. Scarey stuff. I am posting this here in case something happens to me.

Listen people, I just want to say that when times get tough, and disgruntled people are pressed, sometimes it all ends badly. I have some seriously profound feelings that something bad is going down. For obvious reasons, if I am wrong, and all ends up O.K., then we'll speak again here. If not, I suggest you listen to this tread....and live by the "caveat emptor" rule.....just be aware of what you are buying because YOU are the only one who can be responsible for it.

Steve Mears......remember the name