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  1. #51
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
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    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

    Everyone, please stop the namecalling and fighting.

    We can have an intelligent discussion about this
    Always looking for game used San Diego Chargers items...

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

    Steve, maybe comments such as the quote below had more to do with your letter than breaking of forum rules as I previously speculated:

    Quote Originally Posted by suicide_squeeze View Post
    Richard Russek is to the sports memorabilia auction hobby what Bernanrd Madoff was to the investment arena.....nothing but out for raking in bucks for himself as he lies his way to a huge fortune.
    Quote Originally Posted by suicide_squeeze View Post


    One was caught. Wonder if the other one will ever have his feet held to the fire?

    The Basketball Hall of Fame obviously has no clue who they have a relationship with. My prediction is, some day......it will end badly.

    I believe a lot of members of this forum make comments about people they do not really know or know what is going on with the situation of issues in an auction such as the current Grey Flannel Auction.

    It is one thing for Grey Flannel Auctions to make a mistake and correct the situation. It is another to make public comments that they are intentionally making these "errors".

  3. #53
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    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

    Quote Originally Posted by sylbry View Post
    Do I ever wish the forum had an edit function. First I want to apologize to Steve. The fact he felt threatened is not a laughing matter. However, the insinuation that an auction company is out to threaten people either mentally or physically is. They are a business and are just looking out for their best interest. And Steve has shown himself as someone who is bad for their business.

    I would like to ask Steve why he felt threatened by a letter, a phone call, and a knock on the door. So much so that he told his wife to involve the police. To me that says you were expecting some sort of response due to your level of accusations against the auction houses. I would think most people would not feel threatened by those events (individually or collectively.)
    Most people that feel "threatened" to the point they would act on it (do something, like send a letter, or maybe place some kind of non-tangible pressure on someone) would probably do that because the person is smart and knows a bit too much about certain things. Maybe has a way with "reasoning"...can identify something that maybe most overlook? And if the guy discussing things get a little bit too flambouyant or mouthy in what he is opining on, they feel obligated to shut those types up. MAYBE....once he falls into the trap of exposing stuff he knows, and he's already expressed a LOT of what he knows over the years to the auction houses themselves, that someone somewhere starts to worry "I wonder if he's going to go back and say something about THAT?"

    You have nothing to worry about. You apparently aren't smart, and know nothing.

    Look, before I ever even knew about this site, I'd call these major auction houses and question stuff. The next thing I knew, the "experts" on the other end of the phone were asking me "What makes you so skeptical about this item?" after they just ran the gamit of it's provenance and history. So I point out the one little fly in the ointment that contradicts the whole issue....suddenly I'm on a silent phone call, and I'm the one realizing I better shut the hell up!

    So I'm done attacking. I've learned my lesson. If I feel the need to "express an opinion" on anything going forward, I'll clearly address it as such.


    What id I were to tell you I watched an item go for $85,000 and I could prove to you, WITHOUT QUESTION, that it was either of two things:

    A) Completely fake
    B) Modified to appear to be something it wasn't and NOT described as such.

    You think an auction house wants me here spouting this stuff off?

    I'll be taking that little secret to my grave, because like I've said....I'm done with this. It's not fun....and on top of it all, I have to deal with guys like YOU....questioning my manhood, and calling me a tool.

  4. #54
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    Nov 2005

    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

    Quote Originally Posted by suicide_squeeze View Post
    Most people that feel "threatened" to the point they would act on it (do something, like send a letter, or maybe place some kind of non-tangible pressure on someone) would probably do that because the person is smart and knows a bit too much about certain things. Maybe has a way with "reasoning"...can identify something that maybe most overlook? And if the guy discussing things get a little bit too flambouyant or mouthy in what he is opining on, they feel obligated to shut those types up. MAYBE....once he falls into the trap of exposing stuff he knows, and he's already expressed a LOT of what he knows over the years to the auction houses themselves, that someone somewhere starts to worry "I wonder if he's going to go back and say something about THAT?"

    You have nothing to worry about. You apparently aren't smart, and know nothing.

    Look, before I ever even knew about this site, I'd call these major auction houses and question stuff. The next thing I knew, the "experts" on the other end of the phone were asking me "What makes you so skeptical about this item?" after they just ran the gamit of it's provenance and history. So I point out the one little fly in the ointment that contradicts the whole issue....suddenly I'm on a silent phone call, and I'm the one realizing I better shut the hell up!

    So I'm done attacking. I've learned my lesson. If I feel the need to "express an opinion" on anything going forward, I'll clearly address it as such.

    What id I were to tell you I watched an item go for $85,000 and I could prove to you, WITHOUT QUESTION, that it was either of two things:

    A) Completely fake
    B) Modified to appear to be something it wasn't and NOT described as such.

    You think an auction house wants me here spouting this stuff off?

    I'll be taking that little secret to my grave, because like I've said....I'm done with this. It's not fun....and on top of it all, I have to deal with guys like YOU....questioning my manhood, and calling me a tool.
    Don't ever stop asking questions and don't let people bully you as they have done to me for years and years. Ask questions when you are concerned about an item. Post on here after your concerns have been addresses and you will sleep better at night knowing you helped a very small part of the world.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

    I would bet that right now Grey Flannel is laughing their ass off as is most every other auction house. I know I am. Thanks for giving them the satisfaction. Sometimes standing up to someone is all that it takes to get them to back down. Last I heard you could not be sued for an opinion. Obviously they felt threatened or they would not have sent the letter. And their letter accomplished a lot more then they intended which was to scare Suicide Squeeze into silence and maybe having to put on a Depends for a few days. This whole thread is ridiculous. Maybe the Feds can put Suicide Squeeze in the witness protection program. Would that make you feel any better?

  6. #56
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
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    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

    If you know about an $85,000 mistake, and have the factual proof then you should present it to the auction house and see their response, then post it here.

    Facts are facts. Certain authenticators can write whatever they like to hype up an item and make it something that it's not. If proof exists to show otherwise, there's nothing wrong with letting others know. And it's not defamation. The defense of the charge of defamation is showing that what you are saying is the truth.
    Always looking for game used San Diego Chargers items...

  7. #57
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    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

    Quote Originally Posted by trsent View Post
    Steve, maybe comments such as the quote below had more to do with your letter than breaking of forum rules as I previously speculated:

    I believe a lot of members of this forum make comments about people they do not really know or know what is going on with the situation of issues in an auction such as the current Grey Flannel Auction.

    It is one thing for Grey Flannel Auctions to make a mistake and correct the situation. It is another to make public comments that they are intentionally making these "errors".
    I couldn't agree with you more.

    That is why I am trying to contact Mr. Russek personally.

    I want to apologize to him, and for the things that I have stated here. I no doubt made some harsh statements which really were nothing more than "colorful opinions"....right or wrong as they may be. I do not know this man personally. Therefore my comments have no substance. I fully understand why he took the action he did.

    I want him to know they won't happen again.

  8. #58
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
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    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

    Quote Originally Posted by sarahsdad View Post
    I would bet that right now Grey Flannel is laughing their ass off as is most every other auction house. I know I am. Thanks for giving them the satisfaction. Sometimes standing up to someone is all that it takes to get them to back down. Last I heard you could not be sued for an opinion. Obviously they felt threatened or they would not have sent the letter. And their letter accomplished a lot more then they intended which was to scare Suicide Squeeze into silence and maybe having to put on a Depends for a few days. This whole thread is ridiculous. Maybe the Feds can put Suicide Squeeze in the witness protection program. Would that make you feel any better?
    This thread is not ridiculous.
    A) It's important hobby news that an auction house is sending a cease and desist letter to a person posting on a forum

    B) There is the suggestion that another auction house sent someone to that same person's house unannounced. Was the intent to intimidate?
    Either way we are seeing an interesting trend. Auction houses fighting back.

    It was news when Historic Auctions blocked access from this forum after users proved item after item was fake/doctored/however you want to describe it.

    It was news when American Memorabilia banned members of this forum who raised serious questions about their items.

    All of these details paint the picture about the state of the hobby. You can't fault the guy for getting upset that someone showed up at his house unannounced and was looking for him when he wasn't supposed to be there.

    I can't believe that you or anyone else wouldn't have a problem with that. We live in a world of cell phones and emails. There were plenty of other ways of approaching him without showing up...
    Always looking for game used San Diego Chargers items...

  9. #59
    Senior Member
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    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
    If you know about an $85,000 mistake, and have the factual proof then you should present it to the auction house and see their response, then post it here.

    Facts are facts. Certain authenticators can write whatever they like to hype up an item and make it something that it's not. If proof exists to show otherwise, there's nothing wrong with letting others know. And it's not defamation. The defense of the charge of defamation is showing that what you are saying is the truth.
    I'm just going to be honest....

    At this point, and with what I'm going through now, I have no interest in bringing this to light.

    At the time the item was in auction, I did notify the auction house of what I discovered/noticed. It was brushed off, and they let it go through. I know the person who bought the jersey would be sick if they were pointed out the oversight, because it unarguably spells diaster for the item.

    That said, if I were the winning bidder of the item, I would appreciate the knowledge. I did my best to find out who won it (at that time)....and was told the identity could not be given out for any bidders. I understand that, and respect it. There is only so much I can do.

    For now, I just need to put that on ice. If I choose to discuss it in the future, it will be expressed as an opinion, and nothing more. Others would be able to comment on it as they see fit.

    I just can't do that right now, Eric. I hope you understand.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

    Quote Originally Posted by sylbry View Post
    "You pissants who sit behind your computers and throw darts at people..." Pot calling the kettle black here with this statement. No one throws more darts from the comfort of their own home like you. A couple fine threads for example.



    And you wonder why people are angry at you. You ticked some people off and now you have to deal with it. Tough. Do I condone their actions. Nope. Do I condone the garbage that some put up in their auctions. Nope. But be a man and step up when confront them instead of running to your computer. You brought this upon your self.

    "I come hear to help educate you f'ing people..." Gee thanks. I don't want, need, or care for your f'ing education.

    "... and you have the balls to come up with your little chicken sh*t stabs at calling me a drama queen." It doesn't take balls to make message board comments as you have recently shown so well. I am still laughing at this comment. "I am home, and everything is O.K. But I am shaken, and have a lot of questions." All because you got a letter, a call, and a stranger came to your doorstep.

    Try not being so high maintenance and quit being a drama queen.
    Once again Sylbry hit the nail right on the head!!!

    My favorite is how you think Russek is on his way out there just for you lol lol

    lets forget about the mass emailing they sent out a week ago saying GreyFlannel is on it's way to California for consignments. I guess he is not good at hiding things if he is looking for you!!

    I am not name calling!! All I did was agree with another members comment.

    My whole point to this is you have been throwing darts, expect it to go over well and this time it may have came back to bite you (which I doubt) and now your acting scared.

    This was your actual words
    " But I will use quite a bit of discretion before I place a post....no insults, no joking around in personal terms, etc. "Just the facts, maam".

    Don't you think you should have been doing that from the begining????

    Now you want to use discretion after you think someone might actually threaten you???

    I am sorry I do feel this is a valid thread Eric if it came from someone who dosen't bring it on themselves.

    There is nothing wrong with questioning items but if you questions items and throw darts while questioning it may tend to piss some people off.

    So as far as the thread I think it's great for education as far as sympathy for the OP I am with a lot of other members on this one.

    Suicide by the way I am highly comfortable with the items I own as I do my own home work on them and do not just rely on others opinions, because they are just that, opinions. As I do respect many members opinions on this board, in the long run I am the one who is taking cash out of my pocket and spending it!!



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